Infant Feeding & Early Development (IFED) Study

The more we know, the stronger babies will grow!


Who can join the Infant Feeding & Early Development Puberty (IFED-2) Study?

Children who were part of the IFED study as infants can join this follow-up study. The child's mother or other parent or guardian will be asked to be part of the study by providing information about their child's background, growth, and development.

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How do I join the IFED-2 Study?

Please contact our study team by e-mail at or call us at 1-866-948-1129

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What is involved in this Study?

The IFED-2 study will collect information from children and parents 3 times over the course of about a year (enrollment, 6 months, 1 year).

Study activities will include:

  • Questionnaires (parent & child)
  • Urine sample collection (child)
  • Body measurements, including height and weight (child)

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What will IFED families receive for taking part?

You will receive an electronic scale and a measuring tape so that your child can measure their height and weight over the course of the study.

You and your child will receive electronic gift cards after completing study activities to thank you and your child for your time and effort.

  • Your family will receive $35 if at least one questionnaire is completed at the first time point (when you join the study) and $20 if at least one questionnaire is completed at the 2nd and 3rd time points (6 and 12 months after you join the study).
  • For times when we request urine samples, your child will get $10 for each urine filter card returned to us (up to $40 total).
  • If you complete at least one study activity (any questionnaire or urine card) at every time point you will receive an extra $15 after the third round of activities!

Families that have completed at least one study activity will be entered into a drawing for an aditional $100 gift card at each study time point.

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IFED-2 is fully remote!

There are no clinic visits for this study! You will complete study activities at home, online, and by sending material through the mail, when it is convenient for your family.

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